
Shipping Information

Orders are received and processed within 1-4 business days. Transit time is subject to the size and value of the order, but typically will not exceed 7-10 business days.

Woven ships to the continental United States, and does not currently ship to Hawaii, Alaska, or Puerto Rico. For inquiries about shipping please email

If you cannot receive your order within 1-4 business days, please contact our team at before you place your order. We are happy to make accommodations so your order ships within a timeframe upon which you can take receipt. Once your order ships, a representative will be in touch to schedule delivery. If you are unable to receive your shipment and your order is returned to our warehouse, this will result in a restocking fee and return shipping fee, before your card is refunded. Original shipping is not refunded.


Please do not refuse delivery of non-damaged product. This could result in a restocking fee or the loss of product, which may negate the possibility of a refund. You may also be charged roundtrip shipping costs as a result of the refusal.  

Oversize Delivery

Oversized items or larger orders will ship via freight and arrive to your doorstep on a wooden pallet with shrink wrap. You will be responsible for the safe unpackaging and disposal. If the shrink wrap is punctured or boxes damaged, please immediately take photos and visit our Returns Page to file a claim. If your order requires in-person delivery, a shipping representative will contact you to schedule delivery. If there is no response within 48 hours, we reserve the right to return product back to our warehouse to avoid storage fees. The order will then be cancelled, and shipping fees (original and return) will not be refunded. We charge a 20% restocking fee on all returns.


White Glove Delivery

White Glove Delivery is available on select oversized items and will include inside delivery of item(s) to a room of choice, up to 2 staircases, assembly, and packaging removal. WGD option and pricing will populate at checkout, and a shipping representative will reach out to schedule delivery. If there is no response within 48 hours, we reserve the right to return product back to our warehouse to avoid storage fees. The order will then be cancelled, and shipping fees (original and return) will not be refunded. We charge a 20% restocking fee on all returns. If you are unsure of your order, please be sure to retain the packaging so that it may be eligible for return. The estimated lead time for shipping is 2-4 weeks.

Please log into your Wholesale account to view Wholesale policies.